Episode 03:  Jelle Hermus - Happiness in the every day

Visiting Jelle and Billy at their home in Delft, NL 2019

Visiting Jelle and Billy at their home in Delft, NL 2019

In this episode of That’s Different we speak with a very inspiring friend of mine: Jelle Hermus.

Jelle is an author, entrepreneur, and thought-leader about positivity. His blog soCHICKEN has a huge following in the Netherlands, when he lives with his partner and newly adopted baby boy.

This episode we talk about how he travels for months out of the year, being an entrepreneur, how to prioritize life for maximum happiness and more.

Can’t wait for you to listen - looking forward to your comments below.

P.s. Scroll down for a PDF of the full transcript of this episode.

For those of you who are looking for the picture of Jelle with his teeny tiny backpack from his ultralight backpacking trip. Here it is:

Episode 03:  Jelle Hermus - Happiness in the every day
That's Different

Episode 04: Michelle Halpern - the journey to full-time travel blogging and how to Live Like It's The Weekend


Bonus Episode! Unconventional lives, exploring purpose, why I started this pod